Thursday, January 6, 2011

Running Biomechanics: Rationalization for Incorporation of a Traditional Resistance Training Program for Distance Runners?

This is an excerpt from the introduction of a literature review that I’m working on for my thesis.  I’ll try to address many of these concepts in further detail in subsequent posts.  Feel free to post questions or suggestions…

Improvements in distance running performance have traditionally been attributed to the development of the aerobic system, hence coaches focus their athlete’s training on enhancing cardiovascular and muscular endurance.  In a recent review, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2Max), Lactate Threshold (LT), and Running Economy (RE) were identified as the three main determinants of long distance running performance [1].  Developing training programs that address these physiological traits are of interest to coaches, athletes, and scientists alike.  Resistance training, defined as any intervention designed to enhance muscular strength, power, endurance, and/or promote neural adaptations, appears to positively impact VO2Max, LT, and RE in untrained subjects [2].  However, in trained distance runners, the aerobic demand of resistance training may not be sufficient enough to elicit positive gains in VO2Max or LT [3-6].  Resistance training has been found to improve RE in trained distance runners [6-9], but the underlying mechanisms supporting this change remain unclear.

Running Economy (RE) refers to the energy demand per unit of body weight for a given velocity of sub-maximal running intensity, and is calculated by measuring the steady-state consumption of oxygen (VO2) and the respiratory exchange ratio.  Research suggests that RE may be a more reliable indicator of distance running ability and performance in elite and sub-elite runners with similar VO2Max values [10, 11].  Mechanical efficiency (ME) is defined as the ratio between mechanical work and energy expenditure and may also contribute to improved distance running performance [12].  Both of these factors are believed to be improved through resistance training [2].  Although competitive long distance running requires a high aerobic capacity, other physiological and biomechanical factors such as RE and ME may contribute to performance differences separating recreational and elite athletes [13].

Distance running involves the distribution of muscular forces through intricate movement patterns in the body.  In elite athletes this interplay of factors occurs with precise synchronization to ensure efficient locomotion.  Aerobic capacity alone is not a sufficient criterion in separating good and elite distance runners [14].  One’s ability to conserve energy and utilize oxygen efficiently may explain this variance.  Factors affecting running mechanics include the stretch shortening cycle (SSC), running kinetics and kinematics, neuromuscular characteristics, as well as anthropometry.  Improving running mechanics to create a more efficient athlete clearly has performance enhancing implications and should be of interest to coaches, athletes, and scientists.   RE and ME, which can be enhanced through resistance training, may be an indicator of these running capabilities and thus necessitates further investigation for its incorporation into elite runners training programs.

1.         Midgley, A.W., L.R. McNaughton, and A.M. Jones, Training to Enhance the Physiological Determinants of Long-Distance Running Performance. Sports Medicine, 2007. 37(10): p. 857-880.
2.         Jung, A.P., The impact of resistance training on distance running performance. Sports Med, 2003. 33(7): p. 539-52.
3.         Hickson, R.C., et al., Potential for strength and endurance training to amplify endurance performance (Pouvoir de l' entrainement de force et d' endurance d' ameliorer la performance d' endurance ). Journal of Applied Physiology, 1988. 65(5): p. 2285-2290.
4.         Hickson, R.C., M.A. Rosenkoetter, and M.M. Brown, Strength training effects on aerobic power and short-term endurance. / Les effets de la musculation sur la puissance aerobie et l' endurance a court terme. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 1980. 12(5): p. 336-339.
5.         Johnston, R.E., et al., Strength training female distance runners: impact on running economy. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 1997. 11(4): p. 224-229.
6.         Paavolainen, L., et al., Explosive-strength training improves 5-km running time by improving running economy and muscle power. J Appl Physiol, 1999. 86(5): p. 1527-1533.
7.         Millet, G.P., et al., Effects of concurrent endurance and strength training on running economy and .VO(2) kinetics. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2002. 34(8): p. 1351-9.
8.         Spurrs, R.W., A.J. Murphy, and M.L. Watsford, The effect of plyometric training on distance running performance. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2003. 89(1): p. 1-7.
9.         Turner, A.M., M. Owings, and J.A. Schwane, Improvement in running economy after 6 weeks of plyometric training. J Strength Cond Res, 2003. 17(1): p. 60-7.
10.       Costill, D.L., H. Thomason, and E. Roberts, Fractional utilization of the aerobic capacity during distance running. Medicine & Science in Sports, 1973. 5(4): p. 248-252.
11.       Morgan, D.W., P.E. Martin, and G.S. Krahenbuhl, Factors affecting running economy. Sports Medicine, 1989. 7(5): p. 310-330.
12.       Kyrolainen, H. and P.V. Komi, Differences in mechanical efficiency between power- and endurance-trained athletes while jumping. European Journal of Applied Physiology & Occupational Physiology, 1995. 70(1): p. 36-44.
13.       Conley, D.L. and G.S. Krahenbuhl, Running economy and distance running performance of highly trained athletes. / Economie de course et performance en course de fond d ' athletes tres bien entraines. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 1980. 12(5): p. 357-360.
14.       Foster, C. and A. Lucia, Running Economy. Sports Medicine, 2007. 37(4/5): p. 316-319.

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